
Anna’s Apron

Anna’s Apron

I knocked on the broken screen door and it violently hit the door frame. The flimsy door flapped loosely creating a clacking noise that landed heavily in the muggy Pee Dee air. I usually didn’t knock, but this time was different. I held my 10-gauge shotgun loosely in...

The Disease of Self-worship

The Disease of Self-worship

Self-worship is a human disease. We worship what we value, all of us. Sometimes what we value is an object, an event, a person, or even an idea. But, most often what we value most is ourselves.

Who Has God Called Clean

Who Has God Called Clean

To declare unclean what God has declared clean is sacrilegious. It attempts to destroy what God has built. It attempts to shame those God has redeemed. It belittles the sacrifice Jesus paid on the cross.

No Other God Can Rescue

No Other God Can Rescue

Then Nebuchadnezzar said, “Praise to the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego! He sent his angel to rescue his servants who trusted in him. They...